人. 过程. 产品.
MG游戏登录网页 has a proud twenty-six-year history of adeptly supporting the vital missions 和 services of Federal, 州和地方政府客户, 以及各种行业的商业客户. For more than twelve years we have supported large enterprise-level systems for the Nation’s largest health insurer with more than 60 million covered lives. 这一经历使mg官方游戏中心深刻理解了其重要性, 和可见性, of these systems 和 the stakeholders who depend upon them to administer 和 receive life sustaining benefits.
技能与经验 -在mg官方游戏中心的应用程序开发实践中拥有超过50名开发人员和顾问, mg官方游戏中心以高速度交付高质量的产品. mg官方游戏中心的团队包含技能水平和经验的最佳组合, 使mg官方游戏中心在交货方面表现出色, 同时对成本保持警惕. Chemistry is a significantly underrated variable when it comes to teams building software, mg官方游戏中心公司的保留率为94%, 这明显超过了行业平均水平, 为建立化学反应提供了稳定性.
软件开发技术 Moser有专门的Scrum团队 .NET开发,以及开源开发. mg官方游戏中心的技术深度是多样化和无与伦比的,包括 .网, .网络核心, 角, 反应, Vue, Java, Ruby, Rails, 节点, 原生iOS和Android, 离子, 反应 Native和Docker.
以人为中心的设计 — We’re committed to human-centered design 和 focus on the end user’s perspective in all steps of the design process. 这导致产品具有更高的用户满意度和采用率, 提高了生产率, 减少用户压力. We create 和 deliver a seamless 和 intuitive experience for the user – we actively collaborate with our customers through interviews 和 shadowing to ensure we are solving their problems 和 delivering a superior product.
敏捷方法 -mg官方游戏中心是经验丰富、成熟的敏捷实践者, 多个scrum团队同时运行. Agile is an essential framework that allows us to solve complex technical issues 和 to build product
that has never been built before, while dynamically involving the customer throughout. This provides essential checkpoints 和 the opportunity for enhancements early 和 often.
平台的多样性 — Moser’s technical agility 和 experience allows us to deploy our developed products on a variety of platforms – Cloud, 移动, 网络, 和, 当然, 在前提下.
云计算或On-Prem — We have demonstrated past performance deploying on all major cloud platforms: AWS, Azure, 谷歌云. mg官方游戏中心也有容器能力, including extensive Docker experience 和 orchestration with technologies like Kubernetes.
移动 — Our experience with mobile implementations is deep 和 diverse 和 includes native iOS development in objective C 和 Swift, Java原生Android开发, 以及反应 native和离子的本地跨平台开发.
所有Jira用户请注意! 你是否厌倦了疲于管理待办事项? Do you want to plan your product increments faster 和 meet your timelines with ease? 好了,是时候让吉拉试试Clear Path了! 有清晰的路径, you have all the features you need to deliver value faster 和 make your scrum meetings more effective.
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Clear Path还提供了可定制的视图, 使您能够过滤和显示满足您需要的信息. Exporting views to a file is easy, so you can share your plan with your team 和 stakeholders.
不要让你的待办事项继续堆积, 给Clear Path一个机会,体验清道夫的自信, 更高效的Jira工作流程. 现在就行动起来,领先于竞争对手!
该客户是美国最大的健康福利提供者之一.S, covering over 79 million lives to include Federal employees covered under the Federal Employee Program (FEP).
The client’s health care providers utilize an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to access medical information from a multitude of records systems for both patients 和 providers. Service response times routinely went beyond the 30 和 60 second thresholds for the IVR system, 导致错误消息被转发给它们的提供程序, 而不是请求的信息. Additionally, the system lacked error reporting, leading to a deluge of untraceable errors. 这导致了在系统审计期间对客户的严重发现.
Moser engaged with the client to deliver a new application using a modern microservices architecture. These services were deployed behind an Application Programming Interface (API) management tool, 允许IVR系统安全接入. 每个服务都增强了日志记录、诊断和错误报告功能. 这些指标被编译成每日性能和错误报告. 报告提供了对错误响应的可追溯性, allowing the client to address issues in the source systems that our services relied on, 以及大大减少对未跟踪错误的审计发现. The performance level of the new services was much higher than their legacy counterparts, 使所有服务调用的响应时间减少50%或更多.
During the engagement, the Moser 应用程序开发 team achieved the following:
“hybrid waterfall” approach, to accommodate customer preference 和 development maturity将遗留代码现代化到当前的工具和架构中
This client is the leading provider of semi-trailers to fleets 和 independent transportation companies. Moser led a project with the client to design 和 develop a modern customer portal application. The client’s customers needed real-time access to a large amount of lease 和 rental equipment data. This new application accommodates several customer roles by allowing users to securely log in 和 perform relevant 和 timely business functions.
Moser应用程序开发团队利用了以人为本的设计, working with the client 和 with their customers to underst和 their business processes in order to define 和 design the application.
该团队首先分享了一个交互式原型, 收集额外的反馈, 并利用这些反馈来评估和完善最终的项目需求.
在发现和设计阶段之后, the Moser team developed the application in an Agile manner utilizing the Scrum framework. 在每个两周的开发冲刺之后, the progress was shared with the client 和 desired changes were addressed in the next cycle.
尽管门户的数据存储在多个位置, 每个用户的体验都经过仔细考虑, 数据表示是为每个角色量身定制的. 纳入的一些关键数据点是:
Moser团队总共利用了来自五个不同系统的数据, 但是客户门户应用程序完全掩盖了这种复杂性. 通过向每个用户提供包含及时信息的直观界面, 客户的客户很快就能找到他们需要的东西, 从而对他们的提供者更有信心和信任.